Manx BirdLife's Privacy Policy
Manx BirdLife respects your privacy. We do all we can to safeguard your personal data. We do not sell, rent or otherwise disclose your personal data to any third party for their commercial use.
Our interest
Manx BirdLife is the wildlife conservation charity that seeks to protect the wild birds of the Isle of Man and the habitats on which they depend.
We are concerned with the fortunes of wild birds – the diversity of species, their populations and abundance. It naturally follows that we are concerned with the places where wild birds feed, rest, breed and travel.
We seek outcomes such as:
- Optimum diversity of wild bird species living in, visiting and passing through the Isle of Man – its marine and terrestrial environments as well as the air above
- Sustainable populations and optimal abundance of numbers
Achieving this means our work involves:
- Monitoring the state of the Island’s wild birds and the habitats in which they live
- Researching wild bird behaviour, and their general and specific needs
- Advocating the need for action by individuals and organisations within the community
- Managing land for the benefit of wild birds and the ecosystems of which they are a part
- Educating in order to raise awareness and galvanise the desire to act for the benefit of our wild birds
- Working with like-minded individuals and organisations, as well as key influencers and decision-makers
- Seeking financial support in order to fund on-going work and to initiate new projects
Only through your support can we undertake this work and achieve those goals. For this reason, from time to time we ask our supporters to donate to, or participate in, our work. We shall endeavour not to over-ask. Our requests for your support will always be in proportion to the work we wish to undertake and to the goals we wish to achieve.
Principles of our policy
In relation to your personal data, it is our sincere aim at all times to act:
- Lawfully
- Fairly
- Transparently
At a glance: being clear about how we use your data
Here is an initial summary explaining our two principal reasons for collecting, holding and using the personal data you provide to us:
1. Bird reports (sightings)
The bird reports and associated personal data you send us shall be stored on Manx BirdLife’s bird records database.
Such bird reports, including the name of the observer(s) but excluding other personal data, might be shared with the Manx Bird Records Committee, a working sub-committee of the Manx Ornithological Society (MOS), and the British Bird Rarities Committee (BBRC). Reports are published in compiled or individual form in the annual Manx Bird Report featured in the journal Peregrine.
Bird reports, excluding the name of the observer(s) and other personal data, might also be shared with our ornithological partners and relevant third parties for conservation, scientific and advisory purposes. For example, we might share reports with organisations in the Isle of Man or UK such as the Rare Birds Breeding panel (RBBP) and the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). Reports might be shared with government, authorities, corporations and individuals in response to planning applications and to assist with upholding wildlife laws.
Can we ask for your support? [Opt-in box]
If you do not tick the box that accompanies the reports (sightings) forms, then we shall use your contact details only for purposes relating to your bird reports or for which we have a legitimate interest. If you do tick the box, then we shall be pleased occasionally to contact you (using the contact details you have provided in the form) about our other conservation work and related activities.
2. Transactions
When you transact (enter into a contract) with us – for example, subscribe as a friend, donate, purchase an item, book to attend an event – we shall use the information you provide (including your personal data) to fulfil that transaction and any promises we have made in relation to that transaction such as to provide subsequent updates or further information.
Can we ask for your support? [Opt-in box]
If you do not tick the box that accompanies the transaction forms, then we shall use your contact details only for purposes relating to the transaction or for which we have a legitimate interest. If you do tick the box, then we shall be pleased occasionally to contact you (using the contact details you have provided in the form) about our other conservation work and related activities.
Privacy Policy in full
Who we are
- Manx BirdLife is the pre-eminent conservation charity based in the Isle of Man working to protect the island's wild birds and the habitats on which they depend.
- We are an Isle of Man company (no. 087312C) limited by guarantee and an Isle of Man registered charity (no. 711).
- Our registered office is at 16 St Georges Street, Douglas IM1 1PL, Isle of Man.
- Manx BirdLife does not have any trading subsidiaries nor any other wholly or partly owned entities.
- As a charity, Manx BirdLife is supervised by a non-remunerated Board of Trustees. Together with a full-time remunerated executive Managing Director, they make up the company’s Board of Directors.
Our policy
- Our Privacy Policy aims to describe how Manx BirdLife complies with its data protection obligations as a Data Controller.
- You can access our Privacy Policy at any time using the link at the top of our website pages or by requesting it directly from us
- If you have any questions about our policy and the use of your personal data, please contact us via:
Post: Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, LAXEY, Isle of Man IM4 7BG
Telephone: 01624 861130 - Manx BirdLife is committed to respecting the privacy of all those browsing and using its website and other services.
- Our website is designed so that you can browse it freely without having to identify yourself or disclose any personal information.
- Once you choose to actively use our website, for example by completing and submitting one of the report forms, this might require you to provide information by which you can be identified (i.e. personal information). In which case, please be assured that your personal information will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy (the purposes for which you provide us with your information and the further uses you opt into using the relevant tick boxes).
The information we collect about you
- It is only through the support of our Friends, donors, volunteers, sponsors and partners, that Manx BirdLife can pursue its conservation goals, for the benefits of the wild birds and people of the Isle of Man.
- In order to acquire and keep your support, we collect personal information about you in one or more of the following ways:
- Personal information that you provide to us:
- Your name, address, e-mail address and other relevant contact information when you become a friend; donate; purchase; enquire; volunteer; report a bird or other wildlife sighting or ring-recovery; register, book or participate in an event.
- Financial information required for the processing of payments by standing order, cheque, cash or direct bank transfer. (We do not currently process payments by credit/debit card or direct debit). - Personal information created through your engagement with Manx BirdLife:
- Your involvement in our surveys and other activities and events creates data that might be considered to be personal information (for example, reporting a bird sighting can potentially identify where you were on a particular date).
- Our staff and volunteers might collect information relating to their interactions with you whilst carrying out their role and tasks for Manx BirdLife.
- If you support us financially (for example, respond to one of our fundraising appeals) we will keep a record of any financial contributions you make, not least so that we can acknowledge your support in an appropriate way and take note of any particular interests that you might have.
- On our website, we make simple use of cookies in order to provide you with the best possible user experience and which allow you to make use of certain functions (such as completing online forms). Please our separate Cookies Policy for further information.
- If you subscribe to receive an email newsletter, your response to emails you receive might be logged, allowing us to determine, for example, if the email we send is opened and if links within the email have been visited. This information is used to help assess the effectiveness of such emails so that we can improve them and might occasionally be used to send relevant further communications in response to your actions (e.g. clicking a particular link) or inactions (e.g. not opening an email), in accordance with your contact preferences. You can unsubscribe from recurring email communications at any time using the ‘Unsubscribe’ link prominently featured in each message, or by getting in touch with us to update your contact preferences. - Personal information received from third parties:
- Occasionally, Manx BirdLife might undertake conservation and fundraising activities with chosen partner organisations. Such activities might lead to us receiving personal data.
- However, unlike many other organisations, we do not provide nor receive personal information to/from sub-contractors or suppliers such as those who fulfil product purchases, send out magazine mailings, handle email delivery or promotional campaigns. Our own employees, workers and volunteers perform such activities.
- We might collect publicly available information about certain types of prospects and supporters (e.g. recognising people with influence).
- Personal information that you provide to us:
What we may do with the information we collect
- Manx BirdLife will never rent or sell your personal data, and will only ever share it with other individuals or organisations where necessary or directly relevant to our work and where guarantees as to its privacy and security have been provided.
- When you interact with Manx BirdLife and have not advised us to the contrary, you are agreeing that we may use your personal information for the purposes set out in this statement. Specifically, we will process your personal data only where there is a lawful basis for doing so (as specified under Article 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR and the equivalent Isle of Man Data Protection regulations). In most cases, the lawful basis is that processing such data is done with your consent or necessary for the legitimate interests of Manx BirdLife.
- Manx BirdLife endeavours to balance the preservation of your rights under the relevant legislation with our legitimate interest in promoting and managing activities associated with the conservation of wild birds and the places where they live and the necessary and legitimate underpinning business processes.
- Where we use 'legitimate interest' as the legal basis for processing personal information, we reinforce your rights by offering you the option not to receive information linked to this purpose. If you feel your personal rights override our legitimate interests, you have the right to ask us not to use your information in such a way. Otherwise, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be one or more of the following:
- Where you have given clear consent for us to do so for a specific purpose;
- Where the processing is necessary for a ‘contract’ that Manx BirdLife has with you, or because you have asked us to take specific steps before entering into a ‘contract’;
- Where the processing is necessary to protect someone’s vital interests (well-being);
- Where the processing is necessary for Manx BirdLife to perform a task in the public interest or for its official functions, and that task or function has a clear basis in law;
- Where the processing is necessary for Manx BirdLife to otherwise comply with the law and/or relevant statutory authorities.
- Manx BirdLife does not:
- Carry out analyses of the personal information we collect about you and add publicly available information to create a profile of your interests, preferences and level of potential support you might provide us with.
- Use commercial profiling techniques or use third-party screening companies to provide us with general information about you.
- Release your personal information to organisations that help to sponsor our work or income generating components of our work, for marketing purposes.
Reasons for processing personal information and justification of the legal basis
In addition to the needs directly related to our existing workers (staff, contractees, volunteers etc.), we process personal information for the following reasons:
- Recruitment & employment: Occasionally, we might advertise for staff or volunteers. Any personal information provided in response to such advertising shall be used only for the purposes of the data subject's recruitment and employment. We shall expressly seek consent where we wish to contact you for any other purpose.
- Transaction processing and fulfilment: Where we enter into a financial contract with you, we shall use the personal information you have provided for the purpose of processing and fulfilling that transaction. This includes delivering on any promise made as part of the transaction to provide updates (e.g. newsletters) or other benefits. We shall expressly seek your consent where we wish to contact you for any other purpose.
- Event management: Where you book (with a payment) or register (without a payment) to attend an event, we shall use any personal information you have provided for the purpose of managing that event and your participation. We shall expressly seek your consent where we wish to contact you for any other purpose.
- Bird recording: When you send us your bird reports, we make it clear how we might use the information for the purpose of recording, using and sharing your reports, including your personal information (see 'At a glance' above). If you do not want your information to be used in the way we describe, then we ask that you do not send us your reports. You can of course always send us your bird reports anonymously. Where you do provide personal information in relation to your submitted bird reports, we shall use this for other purposes only where you have explicitly consented (i.e. where you have opted-in using one of the tick boxes or other mechanisms provided). We might rarely consider on balance the need to share bird reports and associated personal information based on our legitimate interest in conserving and protecting wild birds (for example, advising on environmental developments, land use, land use changes, conservation management policy and practice) and upholding wildlife laws.
- Correspondence: When you correspond with us, we shall use the personal information you have provided for the purpose of conducting that correspondence to a conclusion to your satisfaction. We shall expressly seek your consent where we wish to contact you for any other purpose.
- Fundraising: We shall approach you directly to ask for your support or additional support only where:
- We have an established relationship with you and such approaches would be your natural expectation as part of your relationship with us; or
- Where you have explicitly consented (i.e. where you have opted-in using one of the tick boxes or other mechanisms provided).
Manx BirdLife does not use the services of any third parties or use any third-party information for the purposes of prospect/customer profiling or targeted marketing.
How we store your information
- Manx BirdLife is committed to ensuring that your information is secure.
- In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures including password protection (and double-password protection where we deem necessary) to safeguard and secure the information we collect including your personal information.
- Where we hold bank account information (for example, for the setting up of standing orders), this is held securely in password-protected electronic files or in locked cupboards where physical paper copies are concerned. We do not currently process or hold debit/credit card information.
- Our operations are based, and our files are held, in the Isle of Man.
- Where we work with third-party organisations, for example our ornithological partners, we will only allow the sharing of information where those organisations assure us that they comply with a regulatory environment that is compatible with the European GDPR or the Isle of Man Data Protection Act 2018.
For how long do we store your information?
- We will store your personal information only for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it was collected.
- This depends on the nature of the information collected and what it is being used for.
- We will undertake regular reviews of the personal information that we hold and will delete personal information that is no longer required to be held (whilst maintaining a record of any preferences expressed by you not to be contacted).
Your rights
As defined by European GDPR [and the Isle of Man Data Protection Act 2018 tba], individuals have certain rights over their personal information and Data Controllers such as Manx BirdLife are responsible for fulfilling these rights.
Where we decide how and why your personal information is processed, we take on the role and responsibilities of 'Data Controller' for which provide below further information about the rights that individuals have and how they may exercise those rights:
- Access to personal data
- You have a right of access to your personal information held by Manx BirdLife as a Data Controller. This right can be exercised by emailing us at or by writing to us at Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, Isle of Man IM4 7BG.
- Please be clear as to what personal information you want to access and the date range of the information you wish to access.
- We will need you to confirm your identity.
- We will aim to respond to any requests for information promptly, and in any event within the legally required time limits of 30 days. This timeframe may be extended by up to two months if your request is particularly complex.
- Withdrawal of consent
- Where you have given Manx BirdLife consent to use your personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.
- You also have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
- This right can be exercised by emailing us at or by writing to us at Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, Isle of Man IM4 7BG.
- Please describe clearly the purpose and/or means of communication for which you are withdrawing consent so that we can respond properly to your request.
- Amendment of personal data
- You have, of course, the right to remain in control of the personal information we hold about you.
- You can update or amend that information at any time by emailing us at or by writing to us at Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, Isle of Man IM4 7BG. You can also call us on 01624 861130 during standard working hours.
- As soon as practicably possible, once we are informed that any personal data processed by us is no longer accurate, we will make corrections based on your request to us.
- Verification, update or amendment of your personal information will take place within 30 days of receipt of your request.
- Other data subject rights
- As well as rights of access, withdrawal of consent and amendment referred to above, individuals may have other rights in relation to the personal information we hold, such as a right to erasure/deletion (‘right to be forgotten’), to restrict or object to our processing of personal data and the right to data portability.
- There may be other legal reasons why we need to process your personal data, but please tell us if you don’t think we should be using it. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email us at or write to Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, Isle of Man IM4 7BG.
Young people
Manx BirdLife wishes to encourage and support an active interest in wild birds and the natural environment among young people.
- On occasion we might offer the opportunity for young people to participate in events or competitions as part of their involvement with Manx BirdLife. Similarly, young people might interact with Manx BirdLife and its messages through social media platforms. Our work with schools and youth groups also offers opportunities for young people to engage with different aspects of our work.
- If, in connection with any of these types of activities, Manx BirdLife publishes personal information about a person under the age of 18, we will limit that information to a picture, the first name and surname, school or youth group and age of that person.
- For persons under 18 years of age, we will always require permission from a parent or guardian for them to enter a competition, participate in an activity, share a picture, photo or story with us.
Links to external sites
Our website contains links to enable you to visit third-party websites.
- Please note that when you use these links and leave our website, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites which are not governed by Manx BirdLife’s Privacy Policy.
- You must read and consider the privacy policy of each site.
- Manx BirdLife cannot be held responsible for your visit to any third-party website, to which we provide links solely for your ease of use and pursuit of your own interests.
Contact us about data protection
If you wish to contact Manx BirdLife about data protection, you may contact Neil G. Morris, Managing Director via:
Post: Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, LAXEY, Isle of Man IM4 7BG
Telephone: 01624 861130