The official Manx List of wild birds

The official Manx List of wild birds is maintained by the Manx Bird Records Committee (MBRC), a sub-committee of the Manx Ornithological Society (MOS). The list documents all species deemed to have occurred in a wild state in the Isle of Man.

Records of scarce and rare Manx species as well as rare Manx breeding species are reviewed by MBRC in the first instance. Those supported by adequate proof of identification and circumstances, and hence deemed to have been proven, are added to the Manx List. Records of species that are rare in the wider context of the British Isles are scrutinised by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC), while records of rare breeding birds are notified to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP).

How to submit your records

Please use the online submissions form to send us your records. For scarce and rare species (denoted *), please additionally submit an MBRC Description Form giving details of the circumstances in which you found the bird, the specific observations you made and the basis for making the identification, along with field sketches and photographs wherever possible. Thank you.

As is the protocol elsewhere, all records should be submitted to MBRC in the first instance. Those requiring BBRC scrutiny will be forwarded by MBRC to BBRC.

Geographical limits for Manx bird records

Birds are deemed to have occurred in the Isle of Man up to 12 nautical miles offshore from the island or the midway point between the Isle of Man and the United Kingdom, whichever is the lesser distance.

The Manx List and the BOU

While the British Ornithologist's Union (BOU) maintains the British List (the official list of birds recorded from England, Scotland and Wales), the Isle of Man has its own list which is maintained by the Manx Ornithological Society (MOS).

The Isle of Man follows BOU and occasionally seek its advice on matters relating to the Manx List. Some Isle of Man items are occasionally covered in BOURC reports and papers. Accordingly, as of January 2018, the Manx List adopted the taxonomy and nomenclature of the revised IOC-based BOU British List.

The Manx List

Version: Peregrine Vol. 13 July 2022 (last updated 2022-10-14). Taxonomy from The British List (BOU 24 January 2020).

Key to the List
ASpecies that have been recorded in the Isle of Man in an apparently natural state at least once since 1 January 1950.
BSpecies that would otherwise be in category A, but have not been recorded since 31 December 1949.
B2Extinct species.
C1Species that have established breeding populations derived from introduced stock, that maintain themselves on the Isle of Man without necessary recourse to further introduction.
C2Species fulfilling the above requirements in Britain, but which do not breed on the Isle of Man and have occurred naturally as visitors.
DSpecies that would otherwise appear in categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in a natural state.
ESpecies that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapes from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining.
BredBrDenotes the species is known to have bred in the Isle of Man on at least one occasion.
AdjudicationMBRCScarce and rare species for which a written description is required by the Manx Bird Records Committee.
BBRCRare species that are forwarded after initial consideration by MBRC to be scrutinised by the British Birds Rarities Committee.
Species listed under Birds of Conservation Concern in the Isle of Man (BoCCIoM) 2021.

#English nameScientific nameCat.BredAdjudicationBoCCIoM
1Red GrouseLagopus lagopusABr-Amber
2Red-legged PartridgeAlectoris rufaC1Br-
3Grey PartridgePerdix perdixAC1Br-
4QuailCoturnix coturnixABrMBRC
5PheasantPhasianus colchicusC1Br-
6Brent GooseBranta berniclaA--Amber
7Canada GooseBranta canadensisAC1Br-
8Barnacle GooseBranta leucopsisAE--
9Greylag GooseAnser anserAC1Br-
10Pink-footed GooseAnser brachyrhynchusA--Amber
11Taiga/Tundra Bean GooseAnser fabalis/serrirostrisB-MBRC
12White-fronted GooseAnser albifronsA-MBRCAmber
13Mute SwanCygnus olorAC1Br-Amber
14Bewick's SwanCygnus columbianusA-MBRC
15Whooper SwanCygnus cygnusA--Amber
16ShelduckTadorna tadornaABr-Amber
17GarganeySpatula querquedulaA-MBRC
18Blue-winged TealSpatula discorsA-MBRC-BBRC
19ShovelerSpatula clypeataABr-Amber
20GadwallMareca streperaAC1Br-Amber
21WigeonMareca penelopeA--
22American WigeonMareca americanaA-MBRC
23MallardAnas platyrhynchosAC1Br-Amber
24PintailAnas acutaA--Amber
25TealAnas creccaABr-Red
26Green-winged TealAnas carolinensisA-MBRC
27Red-crested PochardNetta rufinaA-MBRC
28PochardAythya ferinaA--Red
29Ferruginous DuckAythya nyrocaA-MBRC-BBRC
30Ring-necked DuckAythya collarisA-MBRC
31Tufted DuckAythya fuligulaABr-Amber
32ScaupAythya marilaA-MBRC
33King EiderSomateria spectabilisA-MBRC-BBRC
34EiderSomateria mollissimaABr-Red
35Surf ScoterMelanitta perspicillataA-MBRC
36Velvet ScoterMelanitta fuscaA-MBRC
37Common ScoterMelanitta nigraA--Amber
38Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalisA--Red
39GoldeneyeBucephala clangulaA--Amber
40SmewMergellus albellusA-MBRC
41GoosanderMergus merganserA--Amber
42Red-breasted MerganserMergus serratorABr-Amber
43Ruddy DuckOxyura jamaicensisC2BrMBRC
44NightjarCaprimulgus europaeusABrMBRC
45Alpine SwiftTachymarptis melbaA-MBRC
46SwiftApus apusABr-Amber
47Great Spotted CuckooClamator glandariusA-MBRC-BBRC
48Yellow-billed CuckooCoccyzus americanusA-MBRC-BBRC
49CuckooCuculus canorusABr-Red
50Pallas's SandgrouseSyrrhaptes paradoxusB-MBRC-BBRC
51Rock Dove/Feral PigeonColumba liviaABr-
52Stock DoveColumba oenasABr-Red
53WoodpigeonColumba palumbusABr-
54Turtle DoveStreptopelia turturA-MBRC
55Collared DoveStreptopelia decaoctoABr-
56Mourning DoveZenaida macrouraA-MBRC-BBRC
57Water RailRallus aquaticusABr-Red
58CorncrakeCrex crexABrMBRCRed
59Baillon's CrakePorzana pusillaB-MBRC-BBRC
60Spotted CrakePorzana porzanaB-MBRC
61MoorhenGallinula chloropusABr-Amber
62CootFulica atraABr-Amber
63CraneGrus grusA-MBRC
64Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollisABr-Amber
65Red-necked GrebePodiceps grisegenaA-MBRC
66Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatusA--
67Slavonian GrebePodiceps auritusA-MBRC
68Black-necked GrebePodiceps nigricollisA-MBRC
69Stone-curlewBurhinus oedicnemusA-MBRC
70OystercatcherHaematopus ostralegusABr-Red
71Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopusA-MBRC
72AvocetRecurvirostra avosettaA-MBRC
73LapwingVanellus vanellusABr-Red
74Golden PloverPluvialis apricariaABr-
75American Golden PloverPluvialis dominicaA-MBRC
76Grey PloverPluvialis squatarolaA--Amber
77Ringed PloverCharadrius hiaticulaABr-Amber
78Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubiusA-MBRC
79Kentish PloverCharadrius alexandrinusA-MBRC
80DotterelCharadrius morinellusA-MBRC
81WhimbrelNumenius phaeopusA--
82CurlewNumenius arquataABr-Red
83Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponicaA--Red
84Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosaA--Red
85TurnstoneArenaria interpresA--Amber
86KnotCalidris canutusA--Red
87RuffCalidris pugnaxA--Amber
88Broad-billed SandpiperCalidris falcinellusA-MBRC-BBRC
89Stilt SandpiperCalidris himantopusA-MBRC-BBRC
90Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferrugineaA--Red
91Temminck's StintCalidris temminckiiA-MBRC
92SanderlingCalidris albaA--Amber
93DunlinCalidris alpinaA--Amber
94Purple SandpiperCalidris maritimaA--Amber
95Baird's SandpiperCalidris bairdiiA-MBRC-BBRC
96Little StintCalidris minutaA--
97White-rumped SandpiperCalidris fuscicollisA-MBRC
98Buff-breasted SandpiperCalidris subruficollisA-MBRC
99Pectoral SandpiperCalidris melanotosA-MBRC
100Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceusA-MBRC-BBRC
101WoodcockScolopax rusticolaABr-Red
102Jack SnipeLymnocryptes minimusA--Amber
103Great SnipeGallinago mediaB-MBRC-BBRC
104SnipeGallinago gallinagoABr-Red
105Wilson's PhalaropePhalaropus tricolorA-MBRC-BBRC
106Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatusA-MBRC
107Grey PhalaropePhalaropus fulicariusA-MBRC
108Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucosABr-Amber
109Green SandpiperTringa ochropusA-MBRC
110Lesser YellowlegsTringa flavipesB-MBRC
111RedshankTringa totanusABr-Red
112Wood SandpiperTringa glareolaA-MBRC
113Spotted RedshankTringa erythropusA-MBRC
114GreenshankTringa nebulariaA--
115KittiwakeRissa tridactylaABr-Red
116Sabine's GullXema sabiniA-MBRC
117Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundusABr-Red
118Little GullHydrocoloeus minutusA--
119Mediterranean GullIchthyaetus melanocephalusA--
120Common GullLarus canusABr-Amber
121Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensisA-MBRC
122Great Black-backed GullLarus marinusABr-Red
123Glaucous GullLarus hyperboreusA--
124Iceland GullLarus glaucoidesA--
125Herring GullLarus argentatusABr-Red
126Yellow-legged GullLarus michahellisA-MBRC
127Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscusABr-Red
128Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensisABr-
129Little TernSternula albifronsABr-Red
130Bridled TernOnychoprion anaethetusA-MBRC-BBRC
131Roseate TernSterna dougalliiA-MBRC
132Common TernSterna hirundoABrMBRCRed
133Arctic TernSterna paradisaeaABr-Red
134Black TernChlidonias nigerA-MBRC
135Great SkuaStercorarius skuaA--
136Pomarine SkuaStercorarius pomarinusA-MBRC
137Arctic SkuaStercorarius parasiticusA--
138Long-tailed SkuaStercorarius longicaudusA-MBRC
139Little AukAlle alleA-MBRC
140Common GuillemotUria aalgeABr-Amber
141RazorbillAlca tordaABr-Red
142Great AukPinguinus impennisB2--
143Black GuillemotCepphus grylleABr-Red
144PuffinFratercula arcticaABr-Red
145Red-throated DiverGavia stellataA--Amber
146Black-throated DiverGavia arcticaA--Amber
147Great Northern DiverGavia immerA--Amber
148Storm PetrelHydrobates pelagicusA--
149Leach's PetrelOceanodroma leucorhoaA-MBRC
150FulmarFulmarus glacialisABr-Red
151Cory's ShearwaterCalonectris borealisA-MBRC
152Sooty ShearwaterArdenna griseaA-MBRC
153Great ShearwaterArdenna gravisA-MBRC
154Manx ShearwaterPuffinus puffinusABr-Amber
155Balearic ShearwaterPuffinus mauretanicusA-MBRC
156Barolo ShearwaterPuffinus baroliA-MBRC-BBRC
157White StorkCiconia ciconiaAE-MBRC
158Magnificent FrigatebirdFregata magnificensA-MBRC-BBRC
159GannetMorus bassanusA--
160ShagPhalacrocorax aristotelisABr-Red
161CormorantPhalacrocorax carboABr-Amber
162Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellusA-MBRC
163SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodiaA-MBRC
164BitternBotaurus stellarisA-MBRC
165Little BitternIxobrychus minutusA-MBRC-BBRC
166Night-heronNycticorax nycticoraxA-MBRC
167Cattle EgretBubulcus ibisA-MBRC
168Grey HeronArdea cinereaABr-Amber
169Purple HeronArdea purpureaA-MBRC
170Great White EgretArdea albaA-MBRC
171Little EgretEgretta garzettaA--Amber
172OspreyPandion haliaetusA--
173Honey-buzzardPernis apivorusA-MBRC
174Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosA-MBRC
175SparrowhawkAccipiter nisusABr-
176GoshawkAccipiter gentilisAC2-MBRC
177Marsh HarrierCircus aeruginosusA-MBRC
178Hen HarrierCircus cyaneusABr-Amber
179Montagu's HarrierCircus pygargusA-MBRC
180Red KiteMilvus milvusAC2BrMBRC
181Black KiteMilvus migransA-MBRC
182White-tailed EagleHaliaeetus albicillaBC2-MBRC
183Rough-legged BuzzardButeo lagopusA-MBRC
184BuzzardButeo buteoABr-Amber
185Barn OwlTyto albaABr-Red
186Scops OwlOtus scopsA-MBRC-BBRC
187Snowy OwlBubo scandiacusB-MBRC-BBRC
188Tawny OwlStrix alucoABrMBRC
189Little OwlAthene noctuaC2-MBRC
190Long-eared OwlAsio otusABr-Red
191Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusABr-Red
192HoopoeUpupa epopsA--
193RollerCoracias garrulusA-MBRC-BBRC
194KingfisherAlcedo atthisABr-Red
195Bee-eaterMerops apiasterA-MBRC
196WryneckJynx torquillaA-MBRC
197Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos majorABr-Amber
198Green WoodpeckerPicus viridisA-MBRC
199KestrelFalco tinnunculusABr-Red
200Red-footed FalconFalco vespertinusA-MBRC
201MerlinFalco columbariusABr-Red
202HobbyFalco subbuteoA-MBRC
203Gyr FalconFalco rusticolusB-MBRC-BBRC
204PeregrineFalco peregrinusABr-Amber
205Ring-necked ParakeetPsittacula krameriC2--
206Red-backed ShrikeLanius collurioA-MBRC
207Great Grey ShrikeLanius excubitorA-MBRC
208Woodchat ShrikeLanius senatorA-MBRC
209Red-eyed VireoVireo olivaceusA-MBRC-BBRC
210Golden OrioleOriolus oriolusA-MBRC
211JayGarrulus glandariusA-MBRC
212MagpiePica picaABr-
213ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocoraxABr-Amber
214JackdawColoeus monedulaABr-
215RookCorvus frugilegusABr-
216Carrion CrowCorvus coroneABr-
217Hooded CrowCorvus cornixABr-
218RavenCorvus coraxABr-Amber
219WaxwingBombycilla garrulusA--
220Coal TitPeriparus aterABr-
221Marsh TitPoecile palustrisA-MBRC
222Blue TitCyanistes caeruleusABr-
223Great TitParus majorABr-
224Bearded TitPanurus biarmicusA-MBRC
225WoodlarkLullula arboreaA-MBRC
226SkylarkAlauda arvensisABr-Red
227Shore LarkEremophila alpestrisA-MBRC
228Short-toed LarkCalandrella brachydactylaA-MBRC
229Calandra LarkMelanocorypha calandraA-MBRC-BBRC
230Sand MartinRiparia ripariaABr-Amber
231SwallowHirundo rusticaABr-Amber
232House MartinDelichon urbicumABr-Amber
233Long-tailed TitAegithalos caudatusABr-
234Wood WarblerPhylloscopus sibilatrixABrMBRCAmber
235Western Bonelli's WarblerPhylloscopus bonelliA-MBRC-BBRC
236Eastern Bonelli's WarblerPhylloscopus orientalisA-MBRC-BBRC
237Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatusA-MBRC
238Pallas's WarblerPhylloscopus proregulusA-MBRC
239Dusky WarblerPhylloscopus fuscatusA-MBRC
240Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilusABr-Amber
241ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitaABr-
242Greenish WarblerPhylloscopus trochiloidesA-MBRC
243Great Reed WarblerAcrocephalus arundinaceusA-MBRC-BBRC
244Aquatic WarblerAcrocephalus paludicolaA-MBRC-BBRC
245Sedge WarblerAcrocephalus schoenobaenusABr-Amber
246Blyth's Reed WarblerAcrocephalus dumetorumA-MBRC
247Reed WarblerAcrocephalus scirpaceusABrMBRCAmber
248Marsh WarblerAcrocephalus palustrisA-MBRC
249Melodious WarblerHippolais polyglottaA-MBRC
250Icterine WarblerHippolais icterinaA-MBRC
251Grasshopper WarblerLocustella naeviaABr-Red
252BlackcapSylvia atricapillaABr-
253Garden WarblerSylvia borinABr-Amber
254Barred WarblerSylvia nisoriaA-MBRC
255Lesser WhitethroatSylvia currucaABr-Amber
256WhitethroatSylvia communisABr-
257Subalpine WarblerSylvia cantillansA-MBRC-BBRC
258Sardinian WarblerSylvia melanocephalaA-MBRC-BBRC
259FirecrestRegulus ignicapillaA-MBRC
260GoldcrestRegulus regulusABr-Amber
261WrenTroglodytes troglodytesABr-
262NuthatchSitta europaeaA-MBRC
263TreecreeperCerthia familiarisABr-
264Rose-coloured StarlingPastor roseusA-MBRC
265StarlingSturnus vulgarisABr-Amber
266Ring OuzelTurdus torquatusABr-Red
267BlackbirdTurdus merulaABr-
268FieldfareTurdus pilarisA--
269RedwingTurdus iliacusA--Red
270Song ThrushTurdus philomelosABr-
271Mistle ThrushTurdus viscivorusABr-Amber
272Spotted FlycatcherMuscicapa striataABr-Red
273RobinErithacus rubeculaABr-
274BluethroatLuscinia svecicaA-MBRC
275Thrush NightingaleLuscinia lusciniaA-MBRC-BBRC
276NightingaleLuscinia megarhynchosA-MBRC
277White-throated RobinIrania gutturalisA-MBRC-BBRC
278Red-flanked BluetailTarsiger cyanurusA-MBRC
279Pied FlycatcherFicedula hypoleucaA-MBRC
280Red-breasted FlycatcherFicedula parvaA-MBRC
281Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochrurosA--Amber
282RedstartPhoenicurus phoenicurusABrMBRC
283WhinchatSaxicola rubetraABr-Red
284StonechatSaxicola rubicolaABr-
285WheatearOenanthe oenantheABr-Amber
286Desert WheatearOenanthe desertiA-MBRC-BBRC
287Western Black-eared Wheatear/
Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Oenanthe hispanica/
Oenanthe melanoleuca
288DipperCinclus cinclusABrMBRC
289House SparrowPasser domesticusABr-Amber
290Tree SparrowPasser montanusABrMBRCRed
291DunnockPrunella modularisABr-
292Yellow WagtailMotacilla flavaA-MBRCAmber
293Grey WagtailMotacilla cinereaABr-Amber
294Pied WagtailMotacilla albaABr-
295Richard's PipitAnthus richardiA-MBRC
296Tawny PipitAnthus campestrisA-MBRC-BBRC
297Meadow PipitAnthus pratensisABr-Red
298Tree PipitAnthus trivialisABrMBRCAmber
299Olive-backed PipitAnthus hodgsoniA-MBRC
300Pechora PipitAnthus gustaviA-MBRC-BBRC
301Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinusA-MBRC-BBRC
302Water PipitAnthus spinolettaA-MBRC
303Rock PipitAnthus petrosusABr-
304ChaffinchFringilla coelebsABr-
305BramblingFringilla montifringillaA--Amber
306HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustesA-MBRC
307BullfinchPyrrhula pyrrhulaA-MBRC
308Common RosefinchCarpodacus erythrinaA-MBRC
309GreenfinchChloris chlorisABr-Amber
310TwiteLinaria flavirostrisABr-Red
311LinnetLinaria cannabinaABr-Red
312Common RedpollAcanthis flammeaA-MBRC
313Lesser RedpollAcanthis cabaretABr-Amber
314Arctic RedpollAcanthis hornemanniA-MBRC-BBRC
315CrossbillLoxia curvirostraABr-Amber
316GoldfinchCarduelis carduelisABr-
317SerinSerinus serinusA-MBRC
318SiskinSpinus spinusABr-
319Lapland BuntingCalcarius lapponicusA-MBRC
320Snow BuntingPlectrophenax nivalisA--Amber
321Corn BuntingEmberiza calandraABrMBRC
322YellowhammerEmberiza citrinellaABrMBRCRed
323Ortolan BuntingEmberiza hortulanaA-MBRC
324Cirl BuntingEmberiza cirlusB-MBRC
325Little BuntingEmberiza pusillaA-MBRC
326Rustic BuntingEmberiza rusticaA-MBRC-BBRC
327Black-headed BuntingEmberiza melanocephalaA-MBRC-BBRC
328Reed BuntingEmberiza schoeniclusABr-Amber
329Song SparrowMelospiza melodiaA-MBRC-BBRC
330White-throated SparrowZonotrichia albicollisA-MBRC-BBRC
331Dark-eyed JuncoJunco hyemalisA-MBRC-BBRC
332Baltimore OrioleIcterus galbulaA-MBRC-BBRC
333Yellow-rumped WarblerSetophaga coronataA-MBRC-BBRC
PTundra Bean Goose
(2021, pending)
Anser serrirostris-MBRC
PSharp-tailed Sandpiper
(2022, pending)
Calidris acuminata-MBRC-BBRC
PPaddyfield Warbler
(2021, pending)
Acrocephalus agricola-MBRC-BBRC
Categories D and E

Species assigned to these two categories do not form part of the official Manx List.

Category D

  • Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps

Category E

  • Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
  • Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus
  • Ross’s Goose Anser rossii
  • Snow Goose Anser caerulescens
  • Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus
  • Black Swan Cygnus atratus
  • Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca
  • Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata
  • Wood Duck Aix sponsa
  • Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata
  • Australasian Shoveler Anus rhynchotis
  • Rosy-billed Pochard Netta peposaca
  • Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus
  • Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix
  • Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
  • Golden Pheasant Chrysolophus pictus
  • Lady Amherst’s Pheasant Chrysolophus amherstiae
  • Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus
  • Flamingo sp. Phoenicopterus ruber/chilensis
  • Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber
  • White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus
  • Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus
  • Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus
  • Red-winged Laughing-thrush [B] Trochalopteron formosum
  • Common Hill Myna Gracula religiosa
  • Chinese Grosbeak Eophona migratoria
  • Long-tailed Rosefinch Uragus sibiricus