Free self-help resources for use in formal and informal education

We hope these fun and informative worksheets will facilitate your in-class and home-learning activities.

  • You can sort the listed resources using the arrows at the top of each column;
  • To download each resource(s) you require, click on the resource name;
  • While you are free to use these resources for your classes and groups, please remember they remain the property and copyright of Manx BirdLife and RSPB-images;
  • We shall be adding to the list of available resources as frequently as we can.


Resource nameTopicRcpnYr1Yr2Yr3Yr4Yr5Yr6
NEW! Waterproof feathers colouring exercise
Video Link - for KS1 & KS2
NEW! Identifying Corvids
Video Link - for KS1 & KS2
NEW! Identifying the Carrion Crow - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Chough - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Hooded Crow - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Jackdaw - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Magpie - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Raven - for KS1Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Rook - for KS1Birdwatching
Lockdown birdwatch recording formBirdwatching
Name that birdIdentification
Garden bird identificationBirdwatching
Draw your favourite birdBird Art
Goldcrest colouring sheetBird Art
Goldfinch colouring sheetBird Art
Great Spotted Woodpecker colouring sheetBird Art
Lapwing colouring sheetBird Art
Long-tailed Tit colouring sheetBird Art
Manx Shearwater colouring sheetBird Art
Short-eared Owl colouring sheetBird Art
Woodpigeon colouring sheetBird Art
Home and garden habitats auditHabitats
Our Island birds activity sheetGeneral
Identify our coastal birdsBirdwatching
Bird word mat - high frequency wordsLiteracy
Investigating feathers - six parts of a featherFeathers
Maths challenge (Reception)Numeracy
Migration (Years 1,2)Migration
Habitats and food chains (Yrs 1,2)Habitats
Beak and food identification (KS1)Anatomy
Investigating feathers - colour the duck with wax crayonFeathers
Maths challenge (Year 1)Numeracy
Bird word search (Years 2,3,4)Literacy
Investigating colourFeathers
Maths challenge (Year 2)Numeracy
Owls worksheet (Year 3)Owl
Maths challenge (Year 3)Numeracy
Investigating colour - camouflageFeathers
Migration (Years 3,4)Migration
Habitats (Yrs 3,4)Habitats
NEW! Identifying the Carrion Crow - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Chough - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Hooded Crow - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Jackdaw - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Magpie - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Raven - for KS2Birdwatching
NEW! Identifying the Rook - for KS2Birdwatching
Beak and food identification (KS2)Anatomy
Maths challenge (Year 4)Numeracy
Habitats and living things (Yrs 4,5)Habitats
Maths challenge (Year 5)Numeracy
Habitats (Yr 5)Habitats
Migration (Years 5,6)Migration
Migration wordsearch (Years 5,6)Migration
Habitats (Yr 6)Habitats
Maths challenge (Year 6) ENumeracy