Consultation and survey services
We regularly provide ornithological consultations and undertake bird surveys for businesses, landowners and homeowners across the Island.
To assist with planning applications and development, we can tell you what birds might be affected by your plans. Assessing environmental impact is a mandatory requirement of the planning authorities. You might be liable to prosecution if you disturb a protected species of wild bird in the course of making changes to land or buildings.
The Manx National Bird Database, managed by Manx BirdLife, contains nearly eight million bird records. We can call on this database to assist your planning and guide your thoughts for major developments as well as for smaller projects that might not be subject to planning permissions.
Bird surveys

As part of your planning application, you might be asked to undertake a formal bird survey. Or you might simply be interested in learning about the mix and numbers of wild birds that inhabit an area of land you own.
For these and other purposes, we can undertake once-off or repeated seasonal surveys. Understanding the bird populations on your land will give you an indication of the health of that land - and of what you can do to encourage greater diversity and abundance of birds and other wildlife.
To find out how we can help, please email