Book now for Celebrating Manx Birds III

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Tickets have now gone on sale for Manx BirdLife's 'Celebrating Manx Birds III' event to be held at the Manx Museum on 23rd November 2024.

‘Celebrating Manx Birds’ was previously held in 2016 and 2018, but Manx BirdLife have not hosted the event since the Covid 19 pandemic. Given the wide range of exciting conservation projects happening on the Isle of Man and further afield, Manx BirdLife feels that now is the time to host another event to raise awareness of the incredible wildlife that calls the Island home and what is being done to protect it.

Speakers from Manx BirdLife, Manx Whale and Dolphin Trust, Manx Wildlife Trust and the Argaty Red Kite Centre in Central Scotland will deliver talks on a range of topics including The Manx BirdLife Point of Ayre national reserve, the history of nature conservation in the Isle of Man, the use of technology in wildlife monitoring and rewilding techniques.

This is a great chance to hear about the ups and downs of the vital conservation work happening in the face of species declines and the biodiversity crisis. It will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and to find out how you can play your part.

Tickets are £10, with all proceeds going to Manx BirdLife.  You can book through Eventbrite, just search for 'Celebrating Manx Birds'