Manx Ornithological SocietySightings gallery

Please note: these images have not been verified by Manx BirdLife.

Images are displayed in chronological order of submission (most recently submitted image first). Click on any thumbnail to enlarge and for further details.

Images can be posted using the "Submit sightings" form.

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Manx Ornithological SocietyAcknowledgements
Agilitas Ltd, Bold Consultancy Ltd, Tesco Bags of Help, Garry Curtis, David Dunn, Natalie Garrett, Wendy Gawne, Pete Hadfield, Anne Kaye, Chris Lo Bao, Allen Moore, Richard Norris, Carolyn Rawson, Richard Selman, Jenny Shanley, Chris Sharpe, Michelle Storton, Janet Thompson, John Thorpe, David Wright.