Submit your sightings

Whether you are resident or a visitor to the Isle of Man, we welcome your bird reports. Please read the following guidance:

  1. If Location not listed: Select "Unlisted" (type "unl" in 'Location' field to find this), then enter the six-figure grid reference for your location in the 'Grid ref' field, then describe your location in the 'Details' field.
  2. If Species not listed: Select "Unlisted" (type "unl" in the 'Species' field to find this), then state species name in the 'Details' field.
  3. Rare/scarce species*: An asterisk is shown after the names of species/sub-species for which a written description is required by the Manx Bird Records Committee.
  4. Rare/scarce breeding birds: Please submit these, but note that records of sensitive breeding birds during the nesting season will not be published in the public sightings list.
  5. Sensitive records (e.g. private location, concerns about disturbance): Tick the 'Do not display record on noticeboard' checkbox to ensure confidentiality.
  6. Feedback: Queries? Suggestions? Errors? Corrections? Want a new location added? Please email 'observations[at]manxbirdlife[dot]im'. Thank you.

Quick links: 'Sensitive' breeding species and nesting periods. Reporting rare and scarce species (inc. Description Form).
Obtain grid references using How locations and grid references are compiled.

Owl sightings: Records of all owl species are invaluable for conservation purposes and we encourage you to provide these using the submission form below. However, please note it is our policy not to display any owl sightings on the Sightings noticeboard, in order to protect these photogenic birds from disturbance.

Your name is required.
A valid email address is required.

Date is required.

: :
Select location or “Unlisted”.
Grid Reference is not valid.
Species 1
Select species or "Unlisted".
Number is required.
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Can we ask for your further support? (Please tick)
Yes, I am happy for Manx BirdLife to contact me in the future about its conservation work and activities using my email address as entered in the form above.

Complete all mandatory fields marked with .
If 'Submit' button is inactive, check form for error messages and ensure any unwanted
Sightings or Species rows are closed by clicking on the relevant Close/delete Close/delete button(s).

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Manx Ornithological SocietyAcknowledgements
Agilitas Ltd, Bold Consultancy Ltd, Tesco Bags of Help, Garry Curtis, David Dunn, Natalie Garrett, Wendy Gawne, Pete Hadfield, Anne Kaye, Chris Lo Bao, Allen Moore, Richard Norris, Carolyn Rawson, Richard Selman, Jenny Shanley, Chris Sharpe, Michelle Storton, Janet Thompson, John Thorpe, David Wright.