Wild birds and the law

The Isle of Man Wildlife Act 1990 (including 2004 amendments) is the primary legislation serving to protect the Island’s wildlife, including its wild birds.

The Act sets out schedules of species of animal and plant that are protected by Manx law from injury or disturbance. The Act also establishes the legal protection of Areas of Special Scientific Interest and National Nature Reserves.

General protection for birds
  • All birds and their nests are protected (cannot be killed, injured or taken), bar a few Schedule 2 species that can be shot in the open season.

Once a wild bird has begun to build a nest, that nest is protected; it is an offence to take or destroy the nest, eggs or young of any wild bird.

Special protection for birds
  • Special penalties are available for offences related to Schedule 1 species (listed below), for which there are additional offences of disturbing these birds and their dependent young at or near their nests.
Likely disturbance from works
  • Where activities come into conflict with nesting birds, you must seek advice from DEFA's Ecosystem Policy Team.

You may need a section 16 licence before proceeding with destructive or disturbing works.

Reporting suspected offences or concerns

If you suspect a wildlife crime has been/is being committed (e.g. Schedule 1 species disturbance, unlicensed bird killing) or are concerned about an activity you have witnessed, please report this immediately to:

  • The Wildlife Crime Unit - telephone 01624 812234; or
  • Dr Richard G. Selman, Senior Biodiversity Officer (Zoologist), DEFA - telephone 01624 685835, fax 01624 685851 or email Richard.Selman@gov.im.

For offences that might affect wildlife, but are not directly wildlife offences - such as off-road driving away from permitted tracks - please report these to the police (see Wildlife Crime Unit above).

Schedule One Species on the Isle of Man

AvocetShort Eared OwlGadwallPurple HeronScaup
Spotted CrakeSnowy OwlHen HarrierLittle OwlShag
Rough Legged BuzzardStorm PetrelWhite Fronted GooseOspreyManx Shearwater
Reed BuntingWhite Tailed EagleBarnacle GooseLapwingShelduck
Honey BuzzardPeregrineBean GooseNightjarShoveler
CrossbillSpotted FlycatcherMontagu's HarrierLong Eared OwlSkylark
CorncrakeMerlinLittle GrebeBarn OwlJack Snipe
Corn BuntingGolden EagleCanada GooseRed KiteHouse Sparrow
Common CraneGyr FalconMarsh HarrierTawny OwlTree Sparrow
ChoughRed-Footed FalconGoshawkRing OuzelSparrowhawk
BuzzardLittle EgretGreylag GooseSand MartinSpoonbill
BullfinchTurtle doveBrent GooseBlack KiteStarling
BitternDipperGarganeyKingfisherBewick's Swan
CurlewPintailLittle Ringed PloverBlack RedstartWhooper Swan
HobbyTree PipitRinged PloverCommon RedstartSwift
KestrelGolden PloverCommon QuailCommon SandpiperSandwich Tern
Little TernCommon TernBlack TernBearded TitGrasshopper Warbler
Arctic TernWhite Winged Black TernSong ThrushTwiteWater Rail
WhinchatYellowhammerRoseate Tern

For more information about wild bird and wildlife law in the Isle of Man, go to IOM Government's DEFA website.