The Manx Ornithological Society (MOS, aka Manx Bird Club) welcomes birdwatchers of all ages to its meetings held at the Union Mills Methodist Church (usually from 7.30pm) and at different outdoor venues in the summer.
The Society takes part in national bird census and survey work. It publishes Peregrine, which includes the annual Manx Bird Report. Copies of the latest and some back issues are available from the Society.
The revised MOS Constitution was adopted at a Special General Meeting of the Manx Ornithological Society on 5th February 2013.
The updated Manx Ornithological Society Strategy was published in January 2024.
For the up-to-date calendar of MOS events, please visit the Events page.

Committee and Officers
At the last AGM, Pat Cullen was reconfirmed as President, and the Officers and Members of the Committee were elected as follows:
- Chair: Dr Richard Selman
- Vice-Chair: David Bellamy
- Secretary: Janet Thompson
- Treasurer: Jenny Moore
- Committee members: Robert Fisher, Angela Guest, Katie Keenan, David Kelly, Allen Moore, Aron Sapsford
Membership and key contacts

The Society's Secretary is Janet Thompson.
Individual Membership is £10 per annum or £15 for two people at the same address. For school children, membership is free. Please contact Katie Keenan for further information.
Subscriptions are due each year on 1st January, payable to the Treasurer, Jenny Moore.
MOS links
The MOS has long-standing close links with Manx BirdLife and has recently become a sponsor of Manx BirdLife's Garden Birdwatch scheme.
The Society also has links to other organisations:
- Andalucia Bird Society: a mainly English-speaking society for anyone with an interest in birding or wildlife in general in Andalucia, Spain.
- LIPU-UK: founded in 1989 and since then has been successful in supporting LIPU, the Italian League for Bird Protection, BirdLife's partner in Italy. The Manx Ornithological Society regularly supports their efforts to protect 'our' migrants and other birds in Italy.