
The Manx Bird Atlas (ed.1 1998-2003)
Atlas Eeanlee ayns Mannin
Price: £55.00 plus delivery (please ask)
The Manx Bird Atlas project undertook the first comprehensive survey of all wild bird species to be found in the Isle of Man. During the five-year programme, professional ornithologists surveyed the entire island using new and innovative methods. It was the most detailed study of its kind ever undertaken in Europe, generating abundance and distribution data for 150 species.
Beautiful hand-drawn illustrations and full-colour maps sit alongside the survey results. Whether you are an amateur or professional ornithologist, resident or just visiting the island, this is your definitive guide to the birds of the Isle of Man.
To order: Call +44 (0)1624 861130 or email, or send cheque (payable to Manx BirdLife) to Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, IM4 7BG
(Published by Liverpool University Press 2007)

A Natural World DVD (Running time 80 mins)
Price: £12.99 plus £3.00 delivery
Presented by Chris Sharpe, this expert documentary is the result of thousands of hours of planning, editing, filming on and around the Isle of Man - both above and below the water.
It's a great introduction to the wild birds and other wildlife of the island, featuring Manx Shearwater, Chough, Hen Harrier, Basking Shark, Red-necked Wallabie and more! Beautifully presented, this year-round insight to the hills, cliffs and seas of the Isle of Man makes a great gift.
To order: Call +44 (0)1624 861130 or email, or send cheque (payable to Manx BirdLife) to Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, IM4 7BG
(Published by Duke Video 2014)
20 Years of Manx BirdLife Garden Birdwatch
Bea-feie Son dy Chooilley Imbagh
An assessment and compilation of more than 20 years of citizen science on the Isle of the Man written by Manx BirdLife Volunteer Ecologist Alexandra King.
Since 1999, over 4 million records have been submitted to the Manx BirdLife Garden Birdwatch Scheme. This has allowed us to follow the changes in our garden communities and has seen the loss of species such as the Yellowhammer as well as the growing populations of species such as the Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Report on The Isle of Man Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus Breeding Census 2022
Download the FREE 25-page PDF report
The Isle of Man Hen Harrier Breeding Census 2022 took place between 28th March and 5th July 2022.
Up to three visits were made by Manx BirdLife’s survey team to each of 86 known recent and historic Hen Harrier nesting sites in the Isle of Man’s uplands.
Standardised surveys from carefully chosen vantage points located 38 territorial pairs, with a further four possible pairs, the highest total since 2004.
View the news article relating to this Census.

The Isle of Man Seabird Census: Report on the census of breeding seabirds in the Isle of Man 2017-18
Price: £20.00 PDF version (by email)
Click on the report image (left) to download a low-res sample extract and full contents list.
This was the first comprehensive survey of the Island’s seventeen species of breeding seabird for nearly twenty years. Previous censuses have been conducted in 1985-86 by Allen S. Moore and by Chris M. Sharpe and Aron Sapsford in 1999, the latter as part of the Manx Bird Atlas studies.
The 2017-18 Census team logged nearly 1,000 boat-hours in which they travelled the equivalent of ten times around the Island recording more than 10,000 seabirds and their nests.
To order: To obtain your colour PDF copy of the full 98-page Manx BirdLife Isle of Man Seabird Census 2017-18 Report (including 6 colour images and 17 black & white line drawings), please call +44 (0)1624 861130 or email, or send cheque (payable to Manx BirdLife) to Manx BirdLife, 35 New Road, Laxey, IM4 7BG.
We shall despatch once we receive your payment. Thank you.